HITEP always invest in the most advanced techniques to burden the environment as little as possible.
And this is more than just the water purification.
So is the warehouse from soil to roof fully built according to the latest energy and insulation standards.
All the process water is purified and recirculated internally.
Residual liquid is then further concentrated and legally disposed of.
Hitep’s plating processes do more than simply protect a metal part; they do so in an environmentally responsible way! Staying in harmony with the environment has been one of our greatest achievements. You could even say that our plating processes help to protect the environment!
How can we make such a claim? Our state-of-the-art wastewater treatment system not only purifies city water prior to processing; it also returns no waste water at all to the environment! The water leaving our plant is actually cleaner than the water entering our plant, many times cleaner than the limit set by the authorities ! Because we have none !
HITEP • Neteweg 7 • 2850 Boom • Belgium • T +32 (0)3 459 96 01 • info@hitep.be